Friday, 15 May 2015

Drug Adverse Reaction Target

Drug Adverse Reaction Target

This is a well-known database for the search of drug adverse reaction target by Bioinformatics & Drug Design group [BIDD] is a research group based in Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore. It contains many information about known drug adverse reaction targets, functions and properties. Related references are also included inside.  (The website address is at the second title of my post, just click it^^)

Front page of the website
It have a few search categorizes, and if you don't understand the meaning of that categorizes just click "question mark book" beside the box. 
What in the "question mark book"

For example when you click the "question mark book" beside the target name box you can see the explanation for all the categorizes.  

Example of search
For example, I start searching for a target name as Cholonesterase then it will come out a few of information, but in my case only one.  

Result of search
This is the example of my search which you can see it is very complete, and have some extra information about the drug.  

This website help me to determine that if any patient that administrate drug such as 
cyclophosphamide will inhibited the enzyme Cholinesterase by slower the cocaine metabolism, thus increasing or prolonging its effects and increasing the risk of toxicity.  

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